The Great Pyramid of Giza

Ancient Egypt has mystified and entranced generation after generation. Their mastery of architecture, their complex religious ideologies, and their peculiar views on death have given modern-day readers much to ponder. Few, if any, of their remaining relics have produced the awe and spectacular wonder of the Great Pyramids of Giza. These three architectural masterpieces have stood for over five thousand years despite looting, exploitation, and the slow erosion of time. 

Inside you will read about...

✓ The Birth of a Wonder
✓ The Architect and Exterior Construction
✓ The Construction of the Interior: The King’s Tomb
✓ The End of the Old Kingdom
✓ The Birth of Egyptology
✓ The Great Pyramid Today
✓ Fringe Theories on the Great Pyramid
And much more!

This book will describe the history, theory, and ideology behind the construction of the last remaining ancient wonder of the world.

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