Discover the remarkable life of Spencer Tracy...
Spencer Tracy was a man who truly immersed himself in his craft. Ever since he was a boy, he dreamed of making his way to the big screen to play larger-than-life roles, and he didn’t stop until he made that dream a reality.
Tracy brought a whole string of box office hits to the golden age of film; still, his life wasn’t perfect. The actor struggled with alcohol addiction, and due to infidelity, his marriage at home would be strained. After separating from his wife, he kept in place a long-term relationship with actress Katharine Hepburn until the day he died. Yes, Spencer Tracy had his difficulties in life, but they by no means outshine his triumphs, which include being the first person to win two consecutive Academy Awards for Best Actor.
Discover a plethora of topics such as
- Acting at College
- Struggling as an Actor
- Hollywood Success
- Tracy during World War II
- Health Issues
- Late Life and Death
- And much more!
So if you want a concise and informative book on Spencer Tracy, simply scroll up and click the "Available at amazon" button to avail this bargain!