Simón Bolívar

Simón Bolívar truly earned his nickname “The Liberator” for a large portion of South American people. He was a forward-thinking political figure at a time when Spain was ruling over the region that is now comprised of Venezuela, Peru, Ecuador, Panama, and Colombia. 

Inside you will read about...

✓ A Difficult Childhood
✓ The Independence Movement Takes Off
✓ Exile in Jamaica
✓ The Impossible Climb
✓ Civil War and Assassination Attempts
And much more!

Bolívar’s revolutionary thoughts and belief system are what gave so many who lived in that part of the continent their independence and the freedom to enact their own governments with their own laws. Few people in history have achievements that can rival the ones made by this hero of the Latin American people. The world was forever changed by the perseverance of one man, Símon Bolívar.

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