Discover the remarkable life of Millard Fillmore...
Millard Fillmore’s journey to the presidency was anything but conventional. Born into poverty in a log cabin in western New York state, he rose from humble beginnings through sheer determination and hard work. He reached all the way to the position of vice president when President Zachary Taylor suddenly perished in office. Fillmore may not have expected his sudden elevation to the presidency, but he rose to the challenge all the same, ready to tackle some of the most pressing matters of state from day one.
Leading a nation on the brink of collapse, Fillmore faced the daunting task of keeping the Union together. His willingness to broker compromises, including the controversial Compromise of 1850, earned him both praise and criticism. While his actions temporarily eased tensions, they eventually deepened the divides that would ultimately lead to the American Civil War. This is the story of Millard Fillmore—a man thrust into an unenviable position during one of the most turbulent eras in US history.
Discover a plethora of topics such as
- Early Life in Poverty
- Passing the Bar
- Entrance into Politics: The Anti-Masonic Party
- The Issue of Slavery
- Fillmore in the White House
- Late Life and Death
- And much more!
So if you want a concise and informative book on Millard Fillmore, simply scroll up and click the "Available at amazon" button to avail this bargain!