Discover the remarkable life of Margaret Thatcher...
Margaret Thatcher, famously known as the “Iron Lady” due to her tough-as-nails personality, was not only Britain’s first female prime minister but one of the most influential political leaders of the twentieth century. She commanded the spotlight at a crucial moment in both British and world history. Although she had her problems along the way—dealing with the Cold War, incursions at the Falkland Islands, and attacks by the IRA, at one point almost losing her life in the process—she rose to the occasion.
From her humble beginnings as a grocer’s daughter to her rise within the ranks of the Conservative Party, this book traces Thatcher’s journey before, during, and after her unprecedented three-term tenure as prime minister. Here, we explore her political ideology, decisive policies, and uncompromising leadership style which made her a figure both admired and reviled. We leave no stone unturned as we take a look at the life and the legend of Margaret Thatcher.
Discover a plethora of topics such as
- Early Life: Work as a Chemist
- Thatcher’s Rise
- "Snow White and the Tory Dwarves"
- Assassin Attempt by the IRA
- The Cold War Warrior
- Late Life and Death
- And much more!
So if you want a concise and informative book on Margaret Thatcher, simply scroll up and click the "Available at amazon" button to avail this bargain!