Discover the remarkable history of the King Philip's War...
King Philip’s War was a conflict fought between English colonists and indigenous peoples in North America toward the end of the seventeenth century. Primarily, the clash occurred because the European migrants were encroaching on native land. But more than that, it was also a struggle for survival: the fledgling colonies were fighting to establish a semblance of European society against the Native Americans, who saw their cultures evaporating with the tremendous loss of land and life.
Although King Philip’s War is not always well remembered, some historians have argued that it is of critical importance to understanding colonial history, as well as to the development of America itself.
Discover a plethora of topics such as
- The Causes of King Philip’s War
- The Raid of Swansea
- King Philip’s War Escalates
- The Battle of Bloody Brook
- The Great Swamp Fight
- The Death of King Philip
- And much more!
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