Discover the remarkable life of James Clerk Maxwell in just an hour...
James Clerk Maxwell was a brilliant mathematician and scientist, but his impact on this world goes even deeper than that. Maxwell singlehandedly overturned what was believed to be fact with a whole new outlook on fundamental aspects of the universe. Maxwell is often credited as one of the first pioneers of quantum physics and rightly so because it was Maxwell who envisioned particles such as electrons spinning inside an electric current before anyone else had so much as guessed that such a thing might be possible.
The rarefied scientific mind of James Clerk Maxwell has left us with a lasting legacy of incredible innovations in thought that still affect us to this very day. Read this book in order to get a full grasp of just what kind of enlightening fire this nineteenth-century Prometheus has gifted all of humanity with.
Discover a plethora of topics such as
- Early Life and Loss
- The World’s First Color Photograph
- Maxwell’s Equations
- The Cavendish Laboratory
- Illness and Death
- And much more!
So if you want a quick and easy to read book on James Clerk Maxwell, simply scroll up and click the "Available at amazon" button to avail this bargain!