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Irena Sendler

A Life from Beginning to End

Irena Sendler is one of the often-unsung heroes of the Holocaust. Nevertheless, she deserves credit for her humanitarian efforts. Time and time again, she put her own safety at risk to save others. Her efforts were especially crucial as it pertained to saving the children who fell victim to the horrors of the Holocaust. As a Catholic...

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Kingdom of Dahomey

A History from Beginning to End

Imagine a fervently militaristic state with a feared professional army that included some of the only all-female military units ever seen. Imagine that same state with its own unique and sophisticated culture, religion, language, art, and society. Such a state did exist—not in the ancient past but as recently as the beginning of the...

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Jackson Pollock

A Life from Beginning to End

Jackson Pollock was without a doubt one of the twentieth century’s most controversial painters. He started out painting abstracts in the style of Pablo Picasso but soon branched out, establishing the “drip” method, which entails dripping or flinging paint directly onto the canvas. For this, he was both praised and demonized; still, he...

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Ernest Shackleton

A Life from Beginning to End

Ernest Shackleton was not just a great explorer—he was also a great commander. When the chips were down, he could always be depended upon to put others ahead of himself. Shackleton knew how to push the limits until he was able to exceed well above even the most generous of expectations that had been laid out for him. Yet time and time...

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Minoan Civilization

A History from Beginning to End

The Minoan Civilization has, since its rediscovery in the early twentieth century by archaeologist Sir Arthur Evans, been a source of fascination for the modern world. Some have claimed it represents evidence of a matriarchal society given its progressive treatment of women; others believe it to be the mythical lost city of Atlantis...

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Battle of France

A History from Beginning to End

That France and Germany were enemies in 1940 was not news to anyone. That Germany was bitter at the terms of its surrender at the end of World War I was hardly a surprise. That another war would follow all too soon was apparent to many. Yet no one could have expected that Germany’s rise to military power under the leadership of Adolf...

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Apollo Program

A History from Beginning to End

On May 25, 1961, less than two months after a Soviet cosmonaut had made the very first space flight, President John F. Kennedy told Congress, “I believe that this nation should commit itself to achieving the goal, before this decade is out, of landing a man on the Moon and returning him safely to the Earth.” The Space Race, the...

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Spanish Civil War

A History From Beginning to End

The Spanish Civil War is sometimes seen as merely a precursor to World War II, and it’s easy to understand why. The troops of the extreme right fought against those of the extreme left, and the soldiers and military hardware of Germany, Italy, and Russia faced off on Spanish battlefields many years before they fought each other on the Rus...

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Russian Civil War

A History from Beginning to End

The October Revolution of 1917, which saw the fall of the Tsar and the installation of a provisional government in Russia, was a momentous event in modern history. The establishment of a Bolshevik regime under charismatic leader Vladimir Lenin shook a world already destabilized by years of world war. However, the Russian Revolution was...

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A History From Beginning to End

Of all the cities of ancient Mesopotamia, Babylon is virtually the only one which is still remembered today. The very word Babylon has entered the lexicon of popular understanding as a synonym for decadence and wealth. But what do we really know about the history of this once mighty city?

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Battle of Iwo Jima

A History from Beginning to End

After the shock and devastation of the December 7, 1941 attack on Pearl Harbor, the Americans were determined to take their revenge on the Empire of Japan. The Japanese were just as determined to become the dominant power in the Pacific, a goal they were well on their way to achieving as they occupied China, Hong Kong, Thailand, Malaya...

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The Gilded Age

A History From Beginning to End

The period from 1870 to 1900 in the United States has become known as the Gilded Age, during which America was transformed almost beyond recognition. In the 1870s, the country was still recovering from a horrendously destructive Civil War. The nation was still mainly agrarian; cities were relatively small and large-scale industry almost n...

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Hedy Lamarr

A Life from Beginning to End

Hedy Lamarr was a rare kind of woman. She was not only a strikingly beautiful actress who took Hollywood by storm in the 1940s, but she was also an inventor—and not just any inventor. Hedy Lamarr’s work with radio frequencies is credited with paving the way for Wi-Fi. It seems that the greatest bomb that this bombshell dropped would only...

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Little Richard

A Life from Beginning to End

Little Richard was an incredible performer and musical pioneer who revolutionized music for generations to come. For just about anyone else, such words might sound like hyperbole, but for Little Richard, it’s the pure and simple truth. Little Richard, with his jumpy driving sound and innovative vocalizations, certainly earned his title...

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Amelia Earhart

A Life from Beginning to End 

Amelia Earhart was a legend—but perhaps an unlikely one at that. You see, Amelia Earhart was not always the dashing heroine that most of us associate with her name. She began life as a rather shy girl, who often found herself having to hide from her troubled upbringing. As her family life spiraled out of control, Amelia Earhart was forced...

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Subhas Chandra Bose

A Life from Beginning to End

Subhas Chandra Bose was a revolutionary who sought Indian independence, but as many would contend, he ended up on the wrong side of history. In order to shake off the British yoke, Bose enlisted aid from Germany and Japan during World War II. This has led some to roundly condemn Bose as nothing more than a fascist cast in the same mold as...

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