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Wyatt Earp
A Life from Beginning to End
Wyatt Earp was one of the most famous lawmen that the Wild West ever produced. He was also one of the longest-lived. Considering the fact that he lived all the way up until his 80s while many of his contemporaries never made it out of their 30s, this in itself was quite a feat. Wyatt Earp’s good friend and sidekick Doc Holliday...
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Alfred Hitchcock
A Life from Beginning to End
Alfred Hitchcock’s work is legendary, and although he himself was known as a rather quiet and subdued figure in public, those who knew him privately saw a fiery disposition and unbridled passion lurking just beneath the surface of his placid exterior. Films such as Rebecca, Vertigo, Psycho, and The Birds sky-rocketed him to fame and have...
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War of the Spanish Succession
A History from Beginning to End
The War of the Spanish Succession, which occurred between 1701 and 1714, was fought over who would succeed the childless King Charles II to the throne of Spain. During the early modern era, European countries were almost constantly at war, vying for land, resources, power, and wealth. The succession of the Spanish throne—and everything...
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Oskar Schindler
A Life from Beginning to End
Oskar Schindler was an unexpected hero. He drank heavily, and some even said he was a womanizer who flaunted his affairs. Yet, in one of history’s darkest hours, he demonstrated an extraordinary capacity for courage and humanity. Amid the horrors of the Holocaust, Schindler found himself in a position where he could make a difference...
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French and Indian War
A History From Beginning to End
The French and Indian War is one of the most significant, yet least acknowledged and understood, periods of American history. Fought chiefly between the two imperial powers of England and France in the mid-18th century, the struggle would also draw in native Indian nations who sought to exert their own strength and sovereignty over the No...
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Lyndon B. Johnson
A Life from Beginning to End
Lyndon B. Johnson was a powerful figure in American politics for many decades. Rising to prominence as a congressman and senator in his home state of Texas, he then became the surprise vice-president pick for the young and dashing John F. Kennedy. LBJ certainly cut a far different figure and utilized a much different approach than JFK...
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George Harrison
A Life from Beginning to End
Often referred to as the quiet Beatle, George Harrison’s demure and slightly moody visage can be seen peeking out at us from countless Beatles and solo albums. It seemed that George was such a powerful presence, he really didn’t even need to speak. This was the man who bid us to listen while his guitar gently wept. Harrison—whether in...
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Teresa of Avila
A Life from Beginning to End
The first female Doctor of the Church, Teresa of Ávila, was a visionary who took matters of reform into her own hands. Even when the church authorities came against her, she stood her ground and held fast to her convictions. In so doing, she managed to persuade the Catholic powers to come around to her point of view. Teresa was not...
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Chester Nimitz
A Life from Beginning to End
Admiral Chester Nimitz stands tall as an absolute giant in military history. The massive Nimitz-class aircraft carriers that still bear his name stand as a testament to that fact. During the Second World War, Nimitz was in charge of a huge chunk of the US Armed Forces in the Pacific theater. It was his job to orchestrate the projection of...
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A Life from Beginning to End
Dutch painter and printmaker Rembrandt Harmenszoon van Rijn is considered one of the greatest artists of all time. As a painter, he never considered glamorizing what he saw, and he was a master of creating extraordinary scenes with light and shadows. His paintings were unique for their ability to depict action and moods...
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Richard Pryor
A Life from Beginning to End
Richard Pryor was one of the greatest comedic minds of all time, but his stand-up routine was more than just comedy. His deft navigation through the human condition often made it seem like his comic observations were more akin to a cathartic form of group therapy. As Pryor ran through all the ills of human existence, it was as if he were...
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Anne Frank
A Life From Beginning to End
Anne Frank’s story is definitely a tragic one; every aspect of it is steeped in the tragedy of the Holocaust. But sadness is not the only thing that the account of Anne Frank’s life has to offer—it’s a powerful story about a girl who wasn’t afraid to stand up for what was right. She faced the worst that humanity has to offer and she did n...
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James Baldwin
A Life from Beginning to End
James Baldwin grew up in a poverty-stricken home, but through the skill of his prose and his keen observation, he was able to rise above it all. Baldwin was a once-in-a-lifetime kind of artist who had an uncanny understanding of people, situations, and the status quo. As a writer, Baldwin was highly critical of many aspects of society...
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Johnny Cash
A Life from Beginning to End
Johnny Cash, one of the most influential artists of the twentieth century, was born into a family of impoverished sharecroppers during the Great Depression. From an early age, he picked cotton with his siblings at an Arkansas farm, learning the value of grit and hard work already as a young child. Cash never forgot where he came from, and...
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Antebellum Era
A History from Beginning to End
In his Gettysburg Address in 1863, President Lincoln wrote of the birth of the United States that had taken place “fourscore and seven years ago.” Although a broad overview of American history leaps from the surrender of the British at Yorktown in 1781 to the firing upon Fort Sumter in 1861, historians realize that those 80 years in...
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