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Robert F. Kennedy

A Life from Beginning to End

Compared to other more long-lived political figures, Robert F. Kennedy’s career was brief. He first emerged on the national stage as attorney general under his brother, President John F. Kennedy. In this role, he became a vigorous advocate for civil rights and cracked down on organized crime by going after mob bosses and high-profile...

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Steve Jobs

A Life from Beginning to End

Steve Jobs is, without a doubt, one of the most iconic innovators and entrepreneurs of modern times. A great thinker, his tremendous vision was able to help fashion much of the world in which we live. For anyone else, such musings would come off as hyperbole—but for Steve Jobs, it’s simply the truth. If it wasn’t for the keen insight of...

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Heinrich Himmler

A Life from Beginning to End

A main architect of the Holocaust, Heinrich Himmler was perhaps one of the most ruthless men that ever lived. For most, this would be hyperbole, but for Himmler, such words would seem like a rather apt description. Heinrich Himmler seemed to have very little concern for any pain he inflicted on others. On the contrary, his chief complain...

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Nathaniel Hawthorne

A Life from Beginning to End

Nathaniel Hawthorne is one of America’s most influential writers and also one of the most complex. He was the essential New Englander, a believer in hard work and simple living, and his personality and writing were tremendously influenced by his Puritan ancestry and the Salem Witch Trials. He obsessed over sin and redemption his entire...

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Pancho Villa

A Life from Beginning to End

Pancho Villa was many things to many people. To some, he was a freedom fighter and revolutionary; to others, he was nothing more than a bloodthirsty bandit and killer. Villa’s life did indeed take many twists and turns, and some of the decisions he made would undoubtedly make many of us question his motives. This book seeks to cut through...

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Marlon Brando

A Life from Beginning to End

Marlon Brando has been a household name for decades, and even though he passed away in 2004, his life’s work still stands as a testament to the unique ability he possessed for his craft. Whether he was playing a sentimental yet ruthless mafioso in The Godfather, an insane megalomaniac colonel of the U.S. Army in Apocalypse Now, or a...

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Audie Murphy

A Life from Beginning to End

Audie Murphy was a movie star, writer, and one of the most decorated soldiers who ever lived. He was barely 18 years old when he was shipped off to fight fascists in Italy during World War II. As he himself would later liken it, he went “to hell and back” and lived to tell the tale...

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Robert the Bruce

A Life from Beginning to End

Robert the Bruce is one of the most iconic figures of Scottish history. Born in Scotland’s desperate hour of need, Robert stepped forward to answer the call. In the early 1300s, the situation looked bleak for the Scottish with the might of England and its eager monarch King Edward I threatening to crush any resistance to his rule. In 1305...

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Vincent van Gogh

A Life From Beginning to End

Vincent van Gogh is one of the world’s most famous artists, and his paintings are among the world’s most valuable. The archetypal starving artist, Vincent died aged just 37 by his own hand, poor, isolated, and, in his eyes, a failure. Yet, in Vincent’s life story we can see the evolution of a boy becoming a man becoming a great artist, wh...

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Leonardo da Vinci

A Life From Beginning to End

Creativity is in our bones. It is found in our very DNA, something not known to Leonardo da Vinci or anyone else who lived in his day and time. All he did was to uncover the hidden genius which lay within himself, and he used that inner genius to the very best of his abilities...

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Andy Warhol

A Life from Beginning to End

Andy Warhol and his pop art helped define the 1960s and 1970s in America. Born the son of poor Austro-Hungarian immigrants in Pittsburgh, he was fortunate enough to attend the Carnegie Institute and study art. After graduation, he moved to New York, where he became a successful commercial artist sketching women’s accessories for ads...

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Harry S. Truman

A Life from Beginning to End

Seen by many as one of America’s greatest presidents, Harry S. Truman was, in many ways, an unexpected president. He came from a very undistinguished background and is, in fact, the only U.S. president in recent history with the honor of being a college dropout. Despite what he may have lacked in formal education, Truman was a quick...

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Saint Augustine

A Life From Beginning to End

Although he was born in what was considered the backwaters of the Roman Empire, Saint Augustine of Hippo has long been renowned for his early religious and philosophical thought. He has been called a Doctor of the Church for his unrivaled ability of patching up even the most complex of theological questions. He tackled such things as the...

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