Free-Book Friday

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Catherine Parr

A Life from Beginning to End

For many, she was simply the last of King Henry VIII’s many wives, but Catherine Parr was much more than that. She had a unique and incredible history all of her own. Catherine was a dynamic figure who survived more than her fair share of hardship. Even before she married Henry, she found herself caught up in the drama of England’s...

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James Brown

A Life from Beginning to End

James Brown is known as the “Godfather of Soul”—and for good reason. All you have to do is listen to that signature James Brown sound, and you understand the impact he made on music. Just one lip curl and Elvis was sent running, just one, “Hey! Hey! Hey!” and Michael Jackson was inspired. It seems that James Brown’s every move has somehow...

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Battle of Kursk

A History from Beginning to End

Long-time adversaries Germany and the Soviet Union put their hostilities to the test in World War II. Despite a temporary truce in the signing of the Molotov-Ribbentrop Non-aggression Pact in 1939, the Germans and the Soviets knew that the time was coming when they would face one another on the battlefield. Adolf Hitler, eager to accompli...

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First Indochina War

A History from Beginning to End

In the nineteenth century, France forcibly took Vietnam as a colony and proceeded to strip it of its natural resources. Over the decades that followed, the Vietnamese mounted various attempts to rid themselves of the French, but each attempt proved fruitless until the Second World War came and made changes to the world order. This time...

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Wars of Scottish Independence

A History from Beginning to End

The Wars of Scottish Independence were a series of conflicts between Scotland and England that spanned more than sixty years during the thirteenth and fourteenth centuries. These wars led directly to the establishment of Scotland as an independent, sovereign country and to the emergence of two of Scotland’s best-known national heroes, Wil...

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Nikita Khrushchev

A Life from Beginning to End

Nikita Khrushchev came to power in the aftermath of the notorious Soviet dictator Joseph Stalin’s death. Although Khrushchev came on the scene with aggression and fury (the world would never forget how he declared that he would bury the West), he was ultimately a much more peaceful Soviet leader than Stalin ever was. Even when the...

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Nelson Mandela

A Life from Beginning to End

Nelson Mandela is a figure who has been revered throughout the world. Even his enemies eventually had to admit that there was something extraordinary about Nelson Mandela; he was the kind of bold yet gracious leader who only comes once in a lifetime. Mandela led his people to freedom, became the first president of his nation, and then...

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A History From Beginning to End

The movie Dunkirk premiered in 2017, decades after the event that turned certain defeat into a military miracle that inspired the people of Great Britain. The epic saga of the ordinary British civilians who sailed across the English Channel to rescue their trapped soldiers while the German military launched its might to prevent the...

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Spencer Tracy

A Life from Beginning to End

Spencer Tracy was a man who truly immersed himself in his craft. Ever since he was a boy, he dreamed of making his way to the big screen to play larger-than-life roles, and he didn’t stop until he made that dream a reality. Tracy brought a whole string of box office hits to the golden age of film; still, his life wasn’t perfect...

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Battle of Shiloh

A History from Beginning to End

On a battlefield so littered with dead bodies that General Ulysses S. Grant said it would have been possible to walk across it in any direction without a foot touching the ground, the Union Army notched a brutal but significant victory against the Confederate Army. The two-day battle, with the highest number of casualties recorded in the...

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Akkadian Empire

A History From Beginning to End

The Akkadian Empire was one of the first empires in human history and certainly the first to involve the central government of a large, multi-ethnic populace. It also introduced things like the very first postal system and facilitated advances in science, art, and medicine. The heart of the empire, the city of Akkad, became the most impo...

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Haile Selassie

A Life from Beginning to End

The last ruler of the House of Solomon, Haile Selassie, was not only the final Emperor of Ethiopia but also the link to a bygone past. In the days of Haile Selassie, absolute rule was given as an unquestioned divine right. Even though Selassie in many ways was a moderate progressive, he was still an autocratic ruler...

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A History From Beginning to End

Auschwitz is a monument to the barbaric inhumanity of the Nazi regime. It is the site where more than one million people were systematically tortured and killed in support of Adolf Hitler’s determination to eradicate entire populations that he viewed as racially impure. Dr. Josef Mengele conducted horrific experiments on live victims, tre...

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Weekend Bargain

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Weekend Bargain

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Weekend Bargain

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