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The Bronze Age

A History from Beginning to End

In the nineteenth century, historians began to classify the periods of human prehistory into three ages: Stone, Bronze, and Iron. Of these three, the period known as the Bronze Age (lasting approximately from 3300 to 1200 BCE) was the most significant, not just because people began to work metal on a large scale for the first time but...

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Great Northern War

A History from Beginning to End

The Great Northern War was a war waged by Russia, Denmark-Norway, and Saxony-Poland-Lithuania against the Swedish Empire from 1700 to 1721. It also engaged several of the other great powers of Europe at the time, engulfing much of the continent and its colonies in more than two decades of war. It was part of a long and almost constant ser

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King Philip's War

A History from Beginning to End

King Philip’s War was a conflict fought between English colonists and indigenous peoples in North America toward the end of the seventeenth century. Primarily, the clash occurred because the European migrants were encroaching on native land. But more than that, it was also a struggle for survival: the fledgling colonies were fighting to...

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Assyrian Empire

A History from Beginning to End

The Assyrian Empire was the largest, most powerful, and longest-lasting in the ancient world. It included lands that comprise modern Egypt, Syria, Iraq, Israel, Lebanon, Palestine, Kuwait, Jordan, Bahrain, and Cyprus as well as large parts of modern Saudi Arabia, Libya, Turkey, and Iran. The Assyrian army was the most effective, most high...

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Wars of the Roses

A History From Beginning to End

The Wars of the Roses were a series of civil wars in England fought between the House of Lancaster and the House of York between 1455 and 1485. Over a thirty-year period, England had five rulers, three of whom were killed or executed. Power changed hands on even more occasions as an ineffective king, Henry VI, was subject to mental breakd...

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Battle of Berlin

A History From Beginning to End

The Battle of Berlin was a monumental battle between two adversaries who despised one another. For the Russians who had endured the horrific suffering and loss of lives in defending their nation against the Nazi invasion, the opportunity for vengeance seemed as if fate was on their side. For the German civilians who remained in Berlin, th...

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East Germany

A History from Beginning to End

Imagine a society with no unemployment, zero inflation, free healthcare and education, free childcare, virtually no serious crime, and where women and men are treated with absolute equality. Such a society has existed: in the German Democratic Republic (GDR), popularly known as East Germany. For forty years after its creation in 1949...

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Thirty Years' War

A History from Beginning to End

If you had to name the most destructive conflicts in human history, you likely wouldn’t put the Thirty Years’ War near the top of that list, but in fact, this conflict resulted in more than eight million fatalities throughout Europe. The war, which began as a religious conflict, was fought between 1618 and 1648. It resulted in widespread...

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Pablo Picasso

A Life from Beginning to End

Pablo Picasso, born on October 25, 1881, in Málaga, Spain, was one of the twentieth century’s most prolific and successful artists. A natural-born prodigy, he began painting at the age of two and never stopped until his death at the age of ninety-one. From a young age, Picasso oozed defiance against formal authority. This was reflected...

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Antebellum Era

A History from Beginning to End

In his Gettysburg Address in 1863, President Lincoln wrote of the birth of the United States that had taken place “fourscore and seven years ago.” Although a broad overview of American history leaps from the surrender of the British at Yorktown in 1781 to the firing upon Fort Sumter in 1861, historians realize that those 80 years in...

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Queen Mary I

A Life From Beginning to End

Mary I, perhaps best known by the moniker Bloody Mary, was England’s first female monarch who ruled in her own right. A fighter from birth, she was the only surviving child of Henry VIII and his wife Catherine of Aragon. Mary would make her way back to her father’s good graces after being cast out by him in favor of his numerous wives and...

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George Harrison

A Life from Beginning to End

Often referred to as the quiet Beatle, George Harrison’s demure and slightly moody visage can be seen peeking out at us from countless Beatles and solo albums. It seemed that George was such a powerful presence, he really didn’t even need to speak. This was the man who bid us to listen while his guitar gently wept. Harrison—whether in...

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Gallipoli Campaign

A History from Beginning to End

The Gallipoli Campaign is known as one of the worst blunders committed by the Allied forces during the First World War. Despite being first thought up long before the beginning of the war, it was ultimately a hastily arranged campaign that the British hoped would knock the Ottoman Empire—one of the Central Powers—out of the war and slow...

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Weekend Bargain

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Weekend Bargain

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Weekend Bargain

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