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1982 Lebanon War

A History from Beginning to End

The politics and recent history of the Middle East can seem baffling to outsiders. Nowhere was that more evident than during the Lebanon War that raged in 1982. Even contemporary reporting often made fundamental mistakes, and there was little general understanding of what was happening and why. This conflict involved a bewildering number...

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Glorious Revolution

A History from Beginning to End

On August 28, 2019, British Prime Minister Boris Johnson asked Queen Elizabeth II to prorogue Parliament. She approved the request. The elaborate ritual of the queen granting the prime minister permission to do what he intended to do anyway demonstrates how the legacy of the Glorious Revolution of 1688 made the British Parliament, not the...

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First Battle of Bull Run

A History from Beginning to End

When Union and Confederate forces met at the First Battle of Bull Run on July 21, 1861, each side was confident of victory. The Northern and Southern Presidents Abraham Lincoln and Jefferson Davis each hoped for a triumph that would bring a swift and decisive end to the Civil War that split the United States into two warring nations...

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Prohibition in the United States

A History From Beginning to End

For thirteen years, from 1920 to 1933, the transportation and sale of alcoholic beverages were prohibited in America. This “Noble Experiment” was undertaken because its supporters believed that alcohol was the single major cause of both crime and poverty. They believed that prohibiting alcohol would lead to the end of poverty and slum hou...

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Audrey Hepburn

A Life from Beginning to End

Very few lives can be described as fit for a Hollywood film. Audrey Hepburn’s life, however, is undoubtedly one of those few. After a difficult childhood that saw her parents divorce and her young existence shattered by the Nazi invasion of the Netherlands, Audrey Hepburn’s career as an actress knew no bounds. Audiences flocked to see her...

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Tallulah Bankhead

A Life from Beginning to End

Tallulah Bankhead was known just as much for her off-stage presence as she was for her on-stage performances. Fearless from birth, Tallulah charted her own course in life. She trudged off to New York to make it big in theater when she was still a teen. She then saw opportunity calling on the other side of the Atlantic and didn’t hesitate ...

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Jerry Lee Lewis

A Life from Beginning to End

With his fiery piano-playing style and powerful stage presence, Jerry Lee Lewis enjoyed a meteoric rise to fame. Although his time as a relevant artist was comparably brief, that short time in the sun was nothing short of revolutionary. While his run lasted, Lewis played a pivotal role in forging what would become classic rock and roll...

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Jefferson Davis

A Life from Beginning to End

Jefferson Davis—was he a rebel for a bad cause, or just a greatly misunderstood man? Davis was certainly lambasted as the ultimate evil during the American Civil War since he was the leading statesman of the Southern Confederacy. But what do we really know about Jefferson Davis? What motivated him and what made him tick? What inspired him...

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Virginia Woolf

A Life from Beginning to End

Virginia Woolf ranks among the most influential writers of the twentieth century. Embracing the Post-Impressionist times in which she lived, her novels reflect the artistic shift from romanticism to abstract. Plot mattered very little to Woolf. Her writing was a stream of consciousness outside of time and place. Her novels, including her...

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Katharine Hepburn

A Life from Beginning to End

One of the foremost screen sirens of her era, Katharine Hepburn, was universally known for her grace, wit, and charm. She rose to the top of celebrity status in the great Golden Age of Hollywood, and she was able to maintain her sense of stardom all the way to her twilight years. During her many years in the limelight, Hepburn was...

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Giotto di Bondone

A Life from Beginning to End

The name Giotto di Bondone may not be as well-known as Leonardo da Vinci, but it was Giotto who made da Vinci and his contemporaries of the Renaissance possible. Giotto, born in the late thirteenth century, was the first painter to escape the artistic chains of the Dark Ages and revive the natural art of Ancient Greece. Instead of...

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John Lennon

A Life from Beginning to End

John Lennon is often known as the rebellious, troubled Beatle as if his disposition was just a bit gloomier than the rest. Lennon did indeed have his struggles in life. He was raised by an austere and controlling aunt and barely knew his own mother and father. As a result, he grew up with a serious need for love, affection, and attention...

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Bing Crosby

A Life from Beginning to End

Bing Crosby was a real legend. Celebrated across the country and beyond, he was essentially America’s first superstar. With catchy tunes, a catchy name, and a laid-back, charming personality that everyone just seemed to love, Crosby was a star both on and off stage. Bing Crosby arrived in California as a young man with nothing and...

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