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Sasanian Empire
A History from Beginning to End
Persia, as Iran was originally known, was an imperial superpower of the ancient world not once but twice, and during its height, it was famed for its culture and learning. First rising to power under the might of Cyrus the Great, the Persian Achaemenid Empire ruled over a vast territory that encompassed the lands of three major early...
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Kurt Cobain
A Life from Beginning to End
In the 27 years that Kurt Cobain walked this earth, he crafted the songs and the narrative that would become the anthem of a generation. Yet, it was never anything that Cobain set to do deliberately; if anything, he could be called an accidental genius. Cobain’s approach to art as well as life was one flowing stream of consciousness...
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A Life from Beginning to End
The name Pocahontas is one of the most recognized in the world, and many think they know the story of how she met and fell in love with a European colonist meddling in her Native American affairs. But is this really what happened? It certainly has been a popular theme and whole Disney movies have been made celebrating this narrative, but...
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Aztec Civilization
A History from Beginning to End
The Aztec Empire dominated Mesoamerica for a relatively short time—less than one hundred years—but it is remembered today more than other ancient cultures in the region which sustained for much longer. Partly that is because this was a relatively recent culture which was widely reported by the first Europeans to make contact with it. Anot
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Norse Mythology
A Concise Guide to Gods, Heroes, Sagas and Beliefs of Norse Mythology
An introduction to such a vast subject as Norse Mythology can be problematic as it could well fall between two stools; so packed with details as to put one off, or so vague, that one is none the wiser for having read it. This text manages a pleasing balance, succeeds in whetting the appetite and supplying excellent online resources for th...
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Charles V
A Life from Beginning to End
One of the most powerful men who ever lived was a Holy Roman Emperor and controlled vast swathes of the planet. Quite a bit has been written over the centuries about Charles V, but even so, historical texts do not always reveal the complex personality that this man possessed. He was a man of purpose who felt destined to hold both Europe...
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Jim Morrison
A Life from Beginning to End
Jim Morrison—the name still evokes an image of a rough-hewn rock star, absolutely oozing both profound intellectual wisdom as well as an inordinate amount of cool charisma. Few could encapsulate two ends of the spectrum as well as he did, but Jim Morrison was both the wild man and the soft-spoken poet. He was Mr. Mojo Risin’ ready to...
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Jane Austen
A Life From Beginning to End
Jane Austen wrote that in her novels she painted the world on a “little bit (two inches wide) of ivory,” working “with so fine a brush.” Her well-known books, such as Pride and Prejudice and Emma, display the power of this approach; her observations about human nature have proven so accurate and entertaining that her books continue to be...
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Sojourner Truth
A Life from Beginning to End
Sojourner Truth was born a slave in 1797. One day, she decided she didn’t want to be a slave anymore and simply walked away from her master. Truth spent the rest of her life preaching and lecturing against slavery and for freedom and equality. While helping former slaves integrate into a free society, she lectured fervently against the...
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David Bowie
A Life from Beginning to End
David Bowie is known all over the world for a string of hit songs and a reputation for extravagance on stage. He was the one, after all, who helped launch glam rock in the 1970s. Who could ever forget his persona of Ziggy Stardust and the Spiders from Mars? When Bowie had ridden this wave to its conclusion, he found new ways to reinvent...
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Bette Davis
A Life from Beginning to End
Bette Davis didn’t fit the usual Hollywood image of beauty, but by sheer force of will she became one of the most famous and prominent actresses of the twentieth century. Her entire life was focused on her six-decades-long career. This invariably led to the loss of three husbands and estrangement from her oldest daughter. Still, Bette D...
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Jesse James
A Life from Beginning to End
The American Civil War brought out the best and the worst in the country’s citizens. Jesse James, a member of a slave-owning family in Missouri, saw his way of life destroyed by the war. By the time of his early teens, he had joined his local gang of outlaws, fueled by a hatred of the loss of Southern traditions he knew and loved...
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Elijah Muhammad
A Life from Beginning to End
Nation of Islam leader Elijah Muhammad became famous for his popularization of an Afrocentric branch of Islam. In later years, however, the movement came under fire after critics pointed out that its ideology had very little to do with the mainstream faith. Nevertheless, Elijah’s words and teachings still managed to galvanize and capture...
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