Discover the remarkable life of F. Scott Fitzgerald...
F. Scott Fitzgerald was one of the foremost American novelists of his time. His works, which included masterpieces such as The Great Gatsby, portrayed the Jazz Age of the Roaring Twenties and gave voice to a lost generation, but somewhere along the way, Fitzgerald himself became lost. After the Stock Market Crash of 1929 and the ensuing Great Depression, the world cared not so much about glitz and glamor as they did simply trying to scrape together enough money to get by. Although Fitzgerald was successful in his early days, his work fell out of favor with the public, and he struggled to gain traction for much of his later career. These difficulties were interspersed with much drinking and mayhem in between.
This book tells the story of F. Scott Fitzgerald in full.
Discover a plethora of topics such as
- Fateful Encounters of Youth
- Serving in World War I
- Marriage and Children
- The Great Gatsby
- Mental Breakdown
- Late Life and Death
- And much more!
So if you want a concise and informative book on F. Scott Fitzgerald, simply scroll up and click the "Available at amazon" button to avail this bargain!