Discover the remarkable life of Constantine the Great...
Constantine the Great was one of the most pivotal figures in the history of the Roman Empire and the widespread expansion of the Christian religion. This is in no way an understatement; Constantine was not only one of the last truly powerful Roman emperors, but he also successfully reconstituted the whole Empire according to his vision of Rome’s future. He played the most significant role in transforming the Empire from a Greco-Roman pagan dominion into becoming a bulwark of the Christian faith, granting for the first time real temporal power for the early Christian Church.
Without a doubt, Constantine the Great changed the world as we know it. This is the story of his life and his vision in full.
Discover a plethora of topics such as
- Groomed for the Throne
- How the Roman West was Won
- Unifying the Empire
- Reforms and Conquests
- Taking on the Persians
- The Death of the Emperor
- And much more!
So if you want a concise and informative book on Constantine the Great, simply scroll up and click the "Available at amazon" button to avail this bargain!