Discover the dark history of the Chernobyl Disaster...
The Chernobyl Disaster, which occurred in late April 1986, was the worst nuclear accident in history. It not only caused widespread radioactive contamination, but even more importantly, it claimed many lives and caused panic worldwide about the safety of nuclear power. In short, it changed the face of nuclear energy globally.
Discover the real story of the Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant and the infamous disaster that bears its name, as well as its long aftermath.
Discover a plethora of topics such as
- Background of the Chernobyl Disaster
- April 25-26: The Failed Safety Test
- April 26-27: The Crisis Unfolds
- Clean Up and Remediation
- The World Responds
- Investigations into the Chernobyl Disaster
- And much more!
So if you want a concise and informative book on the Chernobyl Disaster, simply scroll up and click the "Available at amazon" button to avail this bargain!