Jane Austen

Jane Austen wrote that in her novels she painted the world on a “little bit (two inches wide) of ivory,” working “with so fine a brush.” Her well-known books, such as Pride and Prejudice and Emma, display the power of this approach; her observations about human nature have proven so accurate and entertaining that her […]

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Al Capone

Al Capone and Chicago at one time were almost synonymous. While opinions of the infamous mob leader varied from group to group, Capone was at one point seen by many as a lovable outlaw and modern Robin Hood. How could this man who ran the most vicious criminal organization in the country become so beloved

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Japanese Emperor Hirohito is one of history’s most enigmatic figures. He led the Japanese during the darkest point of their history as they joined forces with the fascism of Nazi Germany and Italy. Upon Japan’s defeat most believed that Emperor Hirohito would stand trial for the war crimes he was accused of presiding over. But

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The Opium Wars

Violent confrontation between armed groups over the supply of illegal narcotics is something we commonly associate with criminal gangs in modern cities, but in the mid-nineteenth century Great Britain went to war with Imperial China in order to continue to supply Chinese addicts with opium. The two wars which followed have become known as the

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The Mexican Revolution

Over a period of more than ten years, following the overthrow of the government in 1910, Mexico experienced a period of intense and bloody warfare as a bewildering array of factions in ever-changing alliances took power and then lost it. Presidents were elected (or elected themselves) and were then deposed or assassinated. New factions appeared

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Akkadian Empire

The Akkadian Empire was one of the first empires in human history and certainly the first to involve the central government of a large, multi-ethnic populace. It also introduced things like the very first postal system and facilitated advances in science, art, and medicine. The heart of the empire, the city of Akkad, became the most

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The Progressive Era

The Progressive Era was the period of American history between the 1890s and 1920s. It was movement dedicated to political and social reform largely driven by the middle class. In a world that was dominated by wealthy industrialists and threatened by radical ideas of laborers, the middle class strived for order. Inside you will read

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Michelangelo Buonarroti

The ingenious artist we know as Michelangelo lived during the Renaissance in Northern Italy, and you could say that he was indeed a renaissance man—he was a painter, sculptor, poet, and an engineer all rolled up into one. Even though it has been some 450 years since his passing, his legacy remains one of the

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Malcolm X

“I am not a racist. I am against every form of racism and segregation, every form of discrimination. I believe in human beings, and that all human beings should be respected as such, regardless of their color.” How could Malcolm X, whose favorite mantra was “the white man is the devil,” have been the author

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Helen Keller

What was Helen Keller’s legacy to the world? Was it the impressive list of firsts that she accomplished as a deafblind person? Was it the assistance that she gave to the cause of the handicapped? Was it her numerous writings, her forgotten ideals, her inspirational quotations? Or was it simply her story? Inside you will

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