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Heinrich Himmler
A Life from Beginning to End
A main architect of the Holocaust, Heinrich Himmler was perhaps one of the most ruthless men that ever lived. For most, this would be hyperbole, but for Himmler, such words would seem like a rather apt description. Heinrich Himmler seemed to have very little concern for any pain he inflicted on others. On the contrary, his chief complain...
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War of the Spanish Succession
A History from Beginning to End
The War of the Spanish Succession, which occurred between 1701 and 1714, was fought over who would succeed the childless King Charles II to the throne of Spain. During the early modern era, European countries were almost constantly at war, vying for land, resources, power, and wealth. The succession of the Spanish throne—and everything...
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Kurt Cobain
A Life from Beginning to End
In the 27 years that Kurt Cobain walked this earth, he crafted the songs and the narrative that would become the anthem of a generation. Yet, it was never anything that Cobain set to do deliberately; if anything, he could be called an accidental genius. Cobain’s approach to art as well as life was one flowing stream of consciousness...
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A Life from Beginning to End
Voltaire, born François-Marie Arouet in Paris, France, was a writer and leading figure of the Enlightenment. His insistence that all authority could and must be questioned was so radical, he ended up in prison several times and was ultimately exiled. Voltaire’s writings were instrumental in influencing the American and French revolution...
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Norse Mythology
A Concise Guide to Gods, Heroes, Sagas and Beliefs of Norse Mythology
An introduction to such a vast subject as Norse Mythology can be problematic as it could well fall between two stools; so packed with details as to put one off, or so vague, that one is none the wiser for having read it. This text manages a pleasing balance, succeeds in whetting the appetite and supplying excellent online resources for th...
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David Bowie
A Life from Beginning to End
David Bowie is known all over the world for a string of hit songs and a reputation for extravagance on stage. He was the one, after all, who helped launch glam rock in the 1970s. Who could ever forget his persona of Ziggy Stardust and the Spiders from Mars? When Bowie had ridden this wave to its conclusion, he found new ways to reinvent...
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A Life from Beginning to End
The legendary Geronimo led one of the last great Apache uprisings against American expansionism. The lands of the Apache tribe comprised what is today part of northern Mexico and the southwestern United States, and Geronimo was one of the last who dared to stand up to the powers that encroached on the Native American way of life...
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A Life from Beginning to End
The name Pocahontas is one of the most recognized in the world, and many think they know the story of how she met and fell in love with a European colonist meddling in her Native American affairs. But is this really what happened? It certainly has been a popular theme and whole Disney movies have been made celebrating this narrative, but...
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Charles V
A Life from Beginning to End
One of the most powerful men who ever lived was a Holy Roman Emperor and controlled vast swathes of the planet. Quite a bit has been written over the centuries about Charles V, but even so, historical texts do not always reveal the complex personality that this man possessed. He was a man of purpose who felt destined to hold both Europe...
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Battle of Britain
A History From Beginning to End
The British people had no sooner finished rescuing their trapped army from Dunkirk than they found themselves preparing for an attack from the Germans once again. This time, the Nazi menace struck from the air, as Hitler’s Luftwaffe bombed the British in an attempt to break their spirit and force Great Britain to accept peace terms. But a...
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Cold War
A History From Beginning to End
The Cold War between the United States and the Soviet Union lasted from the end of World War II until the end of the 1980s. Over the course of five decades, they never came to blows directly. Rather, these two world superpowers competed in other arenas that would touch almost every corner of the globe...
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The Cuban Missile Crisis
A History From Beginning to End
The Cold War between the United States of America and the Soviet Union lasted for more than 40 years. In general, this was a war of spies and subterfuge, of covert action and espionage. There was always a danger, however, that an error of judgment on either side could suddenly cause the Cold War to turn red-hot with an exchange of nuclear...
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Egyptian Mythology
A Concise Guide to the Ancient Gods and Beliefs of Egyptian Mythology
In this brief introduction to the subject of Egyptian Mythology the author has given a lot of thought to the context of the subject. This makes it an easy read. There is a useful Historical Timeline which allows the reader to follow the complexities of Egyptian history and locate the mythology within the development of the country...
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