Discover the remarkable history of the Apache Wars...
The region known as Apacheria had been fought over for centuries, firstly with the arrival of the Apache from the north, then later with the arrival of the Spanish and, finally, the United States. Events came to a bloody climax in the 1800s in a series of conflicts which became known as the Apache Wars.
This is a story spanning decades featuring some almost legendary characters whose names have been celebrated in books, movies, and TV shows ever since —including Geronimo, Cochise, Tom Jeffords, and Kit Carson. It is also the story of a boy, born Mexican, adopted by an Irish-American, and then kidnapped and raised by the Apache who would play a key role in the events of the Apache Wars.
Discover a plethora of topics such as
- The Kidnapping of Felix Telles
- America Divided, Apache United
- No Mercy: Carleton’s Policy
- Trouble at San Carlos
- The End of Geronimo’s War
- The Apache Kid
- And much more!
So if you want a concise and informative book on the Apache Wars, simply scroll up and click the "Available at amazon" button to avail this bargain!